How Our Currency Conversion API Makes Your Lives Easy
Explore more about currency conversion API meaning, importance, how to use it, and how it benefits developers and businesses that trade overseas.
Accurate, real-time currency conversions delivered straight to your apps, tools, or websites. Sign up in just two clicks, access transparent pricing plans, and start scaling your global operations today.
Why Use Our Conversion Rates?
Our FX data is reliable and provides an unbiased view of the international currency market. We are known for low-latency, accurate Forex data
We acquire foreign currency rates from multiple reputed sources, curate it, and provide it in real-time. We specialize in delivering quality market data without skew.
Our online converter is programmed using our currency converter API. It provides sub-second exchange rates for that saves you time and resources.
Made for developers by developers
import tradermade as tm
# set api key
#get live data
tm.live(currency='EURUSD,GBPUSD',fields=['bid', 'mid', 'ask'])
# get historical data
tm.historical(currency='EURUSD,GBPUSD', date='2021-04-22',interval='daily', fields=['open', 'high', 'low','close'])
# get hourly timeseries data
tm.timeseries(currency='EURUSD', start='2024-11-25-00:00',end='2024-11-26-15:03',interval='hourly',fields=['open', 'high', 'low','close'])
# gets list of all available cfds
# gets list of all available currency codes
import (
tradermade "github.com/tradermade/Go-SDK/rest"
func main() {
// init client
client := tradermade.NewRESTClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
// set parameters
currencyPairs := []string{"EURUSD", "GBPUSD", "USDJPY"}
// get live rates
liveRates, err := client.GetLiveRates(currencyPairs)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error fetching live rates: %v", err)
// iterate over quotes
for _, quote := range liveRates.Quotes {
fmt.Printf("Base: %s, Quote: %s, Bid: %f, Ask: %f, Mid: %f",
quote.BaseCurrency, quote.QuoteCurrency, quote.Bid, quote.Ask, quote.Mid)
package io.tradermade.test_client_jvm
import io.tradermade.test_client_jvm.ui.theme.TestClientJVMTheme
import io.tradermade.kotlin.sdk.TraderMadeAPI
public class JavaTMSSample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
val api = TraderMadeAPI("YOUR_API_KEY")
val liveData = api.getLiveData("EURUSD,GBPUSD")
val historicalData = api.getHistoricalData("EURUSD", "2023-08-01")
val timeSeriesData = api.getTimeSeriesData("EURUSD", "2023-08-01", "2023-08-10", "daily", "1")
val convertedAmount = api.convertCurrency("EUR", "USD", 1000.0)
Find The Right Currency Data Solution
Forex APIs
Our currency exchange rates API provides data for 4000+ currency pairs. We also offer varied data delivery methods to suit your technology needs.
We provide bespoke data and technology solutions to help customers integrate our data into their platforms. If you don't find what you are looking for, talk to our team of experts.
It allows you to instantly convert one currency rate into multiple currency rates based on real-time exchange rates.
The exchange rates are available via our API, its free to sign up!
No, these are interbank rates that financial institutions use to trade foreign currency. The retail financial institutions and banks that offer currency exchange to customers may exchange currencies at different rates, adding their spread. Our non-skewed rates reflect the most liquid rates available to financial institutions and traders.
What people say
One of the bedrocks of Fuze is good financial data and TraderMade is tailor made for our use-case. The flexibility of the API to fetch prices for different FX pairs, the robustness and availability of the API has never failed us.
TraderMade has been a reliable source of FX and Precious Metals pricing data. In the indexing industry, you have to be as precise as a Swiss watch. Using TraderMade has been a help for Bita to reach that precision on our calculations.
Learn how to grow your business with our expert advice.
Explore more about currency conversion API meaning, importance, how to use it, and how it benefits developers and businesses that trade overseas.
Learn using our self-serve website to get historical forex data via Excel and CSV downloads for Free.
Explore how to set up accounts, make API calls, optimize usage, and enrich apps with Forex data retrieval features in our comprehensive Python developers manual.